Wind lets you zoom from satellite altitude into any place on Earth.
Leveraging Landsat satellite imagery and Shuttle Radar Topography
Mission data, World Wind lets you experience Earth terrain in visually
rich 3D, just as if you were really there. Virtually visit any place in
the world. Look across the Andes, into the Grand Canyon, over the Alps,
or along the African Sahara.
Particular focus was put into the
ease of usability so people of all ages can enjoy World Wind. All one
needs to control World Wind is a two button mouse. Additional guides
and features can be accessed though a simplified menu.
is automated with single clicks of a mouse as well as the ability to
type in any location and automatically zoom into it.
NASA has
released World Wind as an open source program to improve its quality
through peer review, maximize awareness and impact of NASA research,
and increase dissemination of World Wind in support of NASA's mission:
To inspire the next generation of explorers ... as only NASA can.
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